Meet Johnnie & Chase

Father and Son that want you to share your story because

Out Is The New In


Meet Johnnie & Chase

Father and Son that want you to share your story because

Out Is The New In

Meet Johnnie & Chase

Father and Son that want you to share your story because

Out Is The New In!



OUT IS THE NEW IN, ‘OITNI’ was founded by the father and son team of Johnnie and Chase Ghiglia.

The ultimate concept behind this journey is to be able to make a difference by giving back in serving and assisting our community.

Finding out who you are in life is never easy. This little thing we call life becomes a self discovery that never ends, and for good reason. We all want to fit in at some point in our lifetime. Whether that be in school, at a job, or just plainly to fit into our everyday society. Don’t be that person. You are going to experience your life very differently from your family and friends. Enjoy it, embrace it, and know that it will be okay. Standing out from everyone else makes you the unique human being you are. That’s what makes OUT IS THE NEW IN so special. Being able to wear what makes you, you.

Mission Statement

OUT IS THE NEW IN, focuses on anyone that feels they are unique and maybe a bit different from the cut and paste mold that society teaches us. OUT IS THE NEW IN, encompasses those that feel out of place on certain days, those that are struggling with who they are, those that feel neglected from the rest of society and those that are possibly battling a unique life changing situation, whatever that life changing situation may be that develops over time or happens suddenly without notice.

OUT IS THE NEW IN, ‘OITNI’ was founded by the father and son team of Johnnie and Chase Ghiglia. The ultimate concept behind this journey is to be able to make a difference by giving back in serving and assisting our community.

Our job and purpose in life is to make those that we meet feel like they belong and are accepted for who they truly are. Which is why we believe ‘OUT IS THE NEW IN’ truly admires society’s differences and unique qualities for a stronger future by accepting, owning, supporting and embracing those differences no matter the situation one is currently in, in their lives.

Our Vision and Mission

OUT IS THE NEW IN was created while sitting in a living room to ultimately make a difference within the community to serve and assist those who identify as LGBTQIA+, those who are intellectually challenged, those who are abused and battered, those who live in homeless shelters, those who are dealing with a significant life changing medical condition/s, those who are dealing with natural disasters and those who are dealing with unspeakable acts of evil and violence.

Are you battling a life change, feel somewhat neglected or just feel different from the rest of society? The purpose of this group is to embrace these feelings and learn to understand that being different is what makes us our unique and amazing self.

Don’t feel like your on the outside, you are different and that’s what makes you part of the ‘IN’ group.